Gallery Controller NFTs

Gallery controller NFTs allow owners to manage and display a gallery of NFTs.

Limited Dynamic Attribute Edition

360 unique Origins NFT that highlight the dynamic options available in a gallery. Each NFT reflect a unique hue value, and can be customized by it's owner
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Unlimited gallery nfts
Custom style attribtues
Dynamic Animation

Standard Gallery Controller Edition (Alpha)

Base gallery controller without artwork. Each Nft allows owner to create a gallery, but does not contain art on it's own.
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Unlimited gallery nfts
Custom style attribtues
Dynamic Animation

What are Gallery Controllers?

Controllers are NFT that contain information about your gallery. Galleries can be generated and stored in difference ways, but contain consisten data patterns:

  • MODE

    The method for generating your work list.

  • WORKS:

    The NFT array to display.


    Individual Settings for dymanic display NFT's (see more).

  • STYLE:

    Where supported for on-chain NFT rendering, you may select additional dispay style.


    Permanent decentralized gallery settings, usually in IPFS or Arweave.

  • NOTES:

    Owners may add permanent notes, descriptions, and provenance data for gallery works.


    Generate and link to permanently rendered static html gallery.

Controller Types


Store gallery data within the contract. Most decentralised, but most transaction expense


Stores gallery data on decenttralised storage such as IPFS and Arweave.


Uses tranditional database and API to generate gallery data. Limits transaction costs.

Generative Modes


Generates a gallery in sequential ID order (eg. 1, 2, 3, 4). This mode is predictable and the same each time, starting from a set ID.


Generates a gallery in random ID order (eg. 31, 121, 9, 82). This mode is unpredictable and will be different each time.